How to Use Physical Therapy to Relieve TMJ

How to Use Physical Therapy to Relieve TMJ

Temporomandibular Joint disorder (TMJ) causes pain to nearly 10 million Americans each year. TMJ is often detected by dentists who notice the uneven muscle ability of the facial joint. TMJ is a disorder that is caused by the temporomandibular joint working ineffectively. Follow these steps to find out how TMJ can be treated through physical therapy.

Things You'll Need:


Computer with Internet access

Seek Medical Advice for TMJ


Consult a dentist trained in neuromuscular dentistry if you want to find a specialist who can treat, diagnose and care for TMJ.


Know that the goal of the dentist is to decrease your pain and increase your ability to function comfortably with the disorder.


Ask about dental guards that may be made to custom fit you. These appliances tend to reduce pain from grinding of the jaw that occurs during sleep in TMJ sufferers.


Explore the "TMJ Association" Web site to gather more information about symptoms and treatments (see Resources section).

Treat TMJ to Relieve Pain


Learn about options for TMJ. Patients may find that certain exercises, TMJ appliances or TMJ surgery can relieve pain.


Recognize symptoms of TMJ. They may include headaches, ear pain, vertigo, decreased hearing and insomnia.


Apply rolling pressure techniques to your temporal region to relieve pain.


Know that remedies for TMJ range from free to expensive, depending on the severity of your condition.

Use Physical Therapy to Relieve TMJ Related Headaches


Stand in front of a mirror so you can see yourself during the exercises.


Open the left side of your mouth as wide as possible and close. Open the right side of your mouth as wide as possible and close.


Repeat step up to 10 times. If you notice your mouth pulling towards one side this is normal.


Start this next exercise by opening your mouth. When you feel resistance in your jaw use slight pressure by using your hand to help open your mouth just a bit further. Repeat 5 times.


Use hot towels pressed against the sides of your face during the exercise to relieve muscle pain if necessary.

Tips & Warnings

To be effective, treatment takes time and a dedicated routine.

During treatment pay attention to your water intake. Insufficient water intake creates dehydrated muscles, which may diminish the outcome of your treatment.

While physical therapy can relieve the symptoms of TMJ, it cannot be cured with exercises alone.

Discontinue exercises and contact your doctor if your headache symptoms increase after treatment.